Over the years three of the blue pots have broken and some years ago Jackie and I found some glass yoghurt pots that were a good size. We forced ourselves to eat the yogurt (!) and I glued rope around the tops to stop them falling through. Not as pretty, but did the job
Over the last few years the rope has started falling off, so I needed a plan C
I found a pack of solar garden lights in Aldi (funnily enough the same place the yogurt pots came from)!
I pulled off the stakes and slid the lamp part into the iron ring at the top of each arm
and I have a working garden light!!! I am delighted!!
I have done a bit of sewing too - I appliqued the final scraps of rainbow onto some spare denim, and I gathered up all the rainbow cork scraps and after a bit of playing managed to fit them into a jigsaw puzzle that gave me almost a rectangle almost the same size as the denim. Not sure where this is going but I hope to have some inspiration soon
I've also been embroidering for the local Scout packs, and for a museum exhibition about pleats and drapes