Monday, 7 February 2011

Pinwheels (with no triangles!)

These pinwheel blocks are made of triangles - I love pinwheels, but I have an aversion to sewing with triangles ... and this method doesn't use triangles at all!!!

Take two squares, the same size, and line them up right sides together.  Stitch along all 4 sides using 1/4 inch seam
 Cut in half, then in half again making 4 folded triangles
 open the triangles and press (seam to dark fabric, or seams open)
Stitch the squares together first in pairs, then each pair to the other pair.  (Ooops forgot photo of that finished pinwheel)

Having checked that the instructions work, pair up 64 pink and green squares, stitch together on all 4 sides
 cut into 64 triangles
Discover what the 45 degree marking on the ruler is for, and use it to cut each triangle in half again
 You now have 128 little triangles
Iron them all open (seam to darker fabric, or seam open)
Carefully align each pair of these (called half square triangles, or hst for short) and stitch to make a 2 hst unit. Press, then join each 2 hst unit to another one to make a pinwheel
Now you (I) have 31 of these ... and cant quite decide what to do next LOL

Conventionally, they would get put together, but they aren't very well defined  (click on any photo to make it bigger)
I could alternate them with uncut fabric -

BUT should I use the big roses fabric ...

or the paisley fabric ...

or the small roses fabric?

Or I have some small pink gingham, or small green gingham?

Or I could sash them?

I have emailed Julia to ask if she has any plain pink or green in the range as that may be better for either alternate blocks or sashing, but for now they can go into a plastic bag while I wait for inspiration.


  1. Very neat! But I'm not looking. I keep seeing things I want to try and it's almost impossible with no work room at the moment! No fair but I have patience. (allegedly).

  2. Personally, from the photos, I like the green gingham or the green sashing. But then I'm not really a pink person. Would like to see a few of them for real. Your Mum xxx

  3. What a clever 'trick', I am liking that a lot; always thought triangles were too complicated, but this is great - thank you lovey x

  4. Dear Benta! Thank you!!! So simple and I never thought! I like so much pinwheeles and this ways it's much easier! Should I learn also your trick to make the center thinner?!
    I love those green/pink pinwheeles! Did you think about saching every 4 blocks?
    I wish you sunshine and lovely day! xxx Teje

  5. Hi Benta! Thank you for your visit and sweet comment! I replied to your comment (from my dashboard), could you please tell me if you got the reply to your e-mail (or does it show only in my comments). Sorry for this trouble!
    Sunny wishes! xxx Teje


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