Sunday, 13 July 2014

Quite a lot of Quilting

I've been machine embroidering work designed by my year 4s (8 and 9 years olds) at school:

This takes ages and doesn't give me much to do expect change threads every so often.  I can't really wonder off as then it sits waiting for me to do the thread, so it's better if I can stay in the sewing room doing something else . . .

What to do?

Well this time it was easy

I stitched together the strips of teal brown and white,  and then (hope you are sitting down) basted AND QUILTED!!

The quilting lines may best be described as organic, but they are roughly 1.5 inches apart. I had thought of this top as Aqua, or Turquoise,but neither of those quilting threads matched at all, so this is a Teal top, quilted in white!!!!


  1. Your embroidery are super cute and happy quilting!!

  2. Those colours are lovely together Benta. Super-productive as ever.

  3. *Gasp* not real, live, actual quilting?! ;o)

  4. Someday, I plan to meet you all.
    I love these colors together.

  5. Your a wild woman Benta. Love the quilt :)

  6. the colours work wonderfully together in this quilt, a real beauty.

  7. Lovely quilt and I'm very impressed with quilting too. Now for the best bit. The binding. :-)


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