Friday, 3 February 2017

2017 Wk 5 - Mostly with Jackie

My lovely Jackie is here for the weekend - we've got lots of things planned!
She brought me some lovely goodies, we've done some making, and we've had an afternoon with the ladies at Chertsey Museum!
What shall I show you first? I think the show and tell from last month's Kantha stitching class can come first:

Aren't these amazing! We then went on to make string blocks but they don't look much now - wait for next month's S&T!
At home again our "making" wasn't quite as smooth - we are getting back into the habit of following instructions - always a bit of a challenge !
And saving the best until last -
A pod basket, pin cushion, lace and fab sewing pouch (plus a mug but that's already been used and is in the dishwasher!)

Happy Days!!!!


  1. A lovely collection of projects! Have a great weekend :)

  2. how good to have Jackie over for the weekend, don`t think there will be much sleep happening. Lots of makes presume you are using bosal for the projects to make them stand so well. Sewing pouch really caught my eye and seem to think I have some of that fabric in my stash

  3. Awww Glad Jackie has visited. What a lot of things you've been up to, even reading instructions! Impressive! Lol.

  4. Happy sewing! Always easier with a friend to interpret instructions.


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