Wednesday 27 November 2019

2019 Wk 48 - and breathe

I *think* I have recovered all the lost photos (or in a few cases removed blog evidence of them!) 

That's a few days of my life I wont get back but I'm glad I put in the effort!  I do like my little blog!!!

I can say the same about this gorgeous pair of finger-less gloves (being digitally challenged I do prefer mittens or finger-less loves to normal gloves!)

Jackie has knotted me some lovely pairs over the years and they are my every-day gloves but this pair was bought in Norway by a cousin several years ago and are my posh set.  Unfortunately they had perished in a few places, and this year I have finally mended them

Not excellent but better than holes - there were six places they needed mending!

I have bought some felted sheets and plan to line them and attached them to the felt, partly for warmth and partly so I don't pull on the knitting and risk them falling apart anywhere else!!

The pouch that was being "born" in the last post is now in use.  There are a number of vinyl pockets so it's spend a few days under a cutting mat to flatten it, but it's now a hexie project bag.

A place for needles, wonder clips and thread, and a zipped pocket for templates

A zipped pocket for strips of hexies attached to each other (let's say the large yellow area is decorative, not that I miscalculated the vinyl measurements!)

a big zipped pocket for tacked hexies

and a big zipped pocket for fabric, with elastic bands for holding the growing project

  and two grab handles so it can be taken out with me


  1. Well done on recovering the photos and the mending. I love the new pouch

  2. Your mittens look great! Just right for you! And I love your colour choices!
    The felt sounds a good idea too, it should make them nice and cosy.
    Fabulous project bags! I love those bright colours! Isn’t it great to be able to make something exactly to your own requirements!
    Well done. Glad to hear you’ve sorted the photo problem, what a relief!
    Barbara xx

  3. Is this what's happening to the photos on my long-neglected blog? Big gaping holes now....
    Good on you for taking the time!
    I've been sick since getting back from Japan so a bit slower than normal. I have one vendor show next Saturday and then I can relax and enjoy Christmas for the first time in 30 years. You may even get a Christmas Card from me. ( or not, if too much relaxing is done). Making Mini Santa hats today (for wine bottle decoration) and tomorrow, I will make candy biplanes.

  4. So pleased that you've got all your photos back.
    The mittens look beautiful - I can see why you'd want to repair them.
    Fab project binder too - looks perfect for your hexies!
    Hope that you can get back to proper sewing now that your photos aren't going to be taking up your time! xxx

  5. The blogs are great diaries so glad you sorted everything. Love the bag too.


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