One of the nieces in America, Megan, is the founder of her High School's Cancer awareness committee. She has managed to get the soccer players playing in pink socks, and has all sorts of plans for raising money and awareness. I decided to make her some FQ bags to sell as I have some fab cancer themed fabrics.
As these lovely little bags are quick to make (*), and are really neat (and have no raw edges) and just take a Fat Quarter each, I thought I'd include a tutorial on how to make them
They just take 1/4 yard fabric and 20 inches of coordinating ribbon.
(*They take about 15 minutes each, but with confidence, finger pressing instead of iron pressing, and sewing the channel with the ribbon in place, can be as quick as 10 minutes each)
Take a Fat Quarter of fabric (this is where a yard or metre of fabric is cut into 4 squarish quarters, as opposed to Long Quarters where the fabric is cut into long thin quarters)
If the fabric is directional, place the BOTTOM away from you, otherwise put the selvedge edge away from you. The fabric needs to be wrong side up. Fold down the top edge about 1/2 inch, 1cm, onto the back of the fabric
Fold the fabric in half, right sides together, so the folded edge remains at the top.
Stitch the bag into a tube shape, starting 1 inch/2cm from the top. (lock your stitches by stitching forwards a few stitches, then backwards the same number, then forwards again).
Move the tube so that the seam is now going down the centre of the tube, not the side. Press the seam open
Now fold up the bottom of the bag so it is line with the bottom of the fold (not quite in half) and press the fold. (We are still looking at the wrong side of the fabric)
Open the fold, and stitch along the fold mark, locking stitches at both ends.
Now turn the bottom half of the tube inside-out, pulling it up over the top half. Now you can see the right side of the fabric inside and outside the bag.
Using your original top fold as a guide, fold fabric again and pin to make a channel for the ribbon.
You will need to unfold the horizontal fold at the seam, and refold vertically first and then horizontally.
Stitch the channel and thread the ribbon through. Tie the ribbon.
Ta Daaaa!!!!!!!
Brilliant for make up, sewing supplies, ballet slippers, medication, kids toys, gift bags ...
(It is possible to make this into a boxy bag, but that introduces raw edges, so you are on your own if you want to do that!)