Saturday 8 September 2018

2018 Wk 36 - bits and pieces

Last weekend was the Church's 'Garden Party' (a village fair really but arranged by the church) in the sister village.  The Vicar's wife and I manned the Stitch stall - selling boomerang bags and talking to people about Stitch (and Days for Girls) and showing the kits.  We sold lots of bags while dressed as Vikings (this year's theme).  We listened to Abba music all afternoon, enjoyed the end of summer sunshine, and took donations of £85 - pretty much a perfect afternoon!

In other news - I treated myself to a EPP template organiser (Amazon think it's a jewellery organiser but what do they know?) and have sorted all my templates

Some of the templates were then used at Chertsey Museum on Friday - we did Quilt As You Go hexies - looking good ladies!

As for me, Lizzie and I have been working on a dozen or so babygros (onesies) and vests - just a little bit fiddly to hoop!

And husband has repainited two walls in our bedroom  . . .

and assembled a corner unit for me as a kind of dressing table

And finally a pic from the lady who one my Black & White & Bits of Bright quilt in a WI raffle - she used it as a picnic blanket!


  1. That sounds like a fun day at the fair. The bags look great and your quilt turned out beautifully. The winner must be delighted with it :)

  2. Hi Benta! You make a super Viking!
    Well done selling the bags!
    Your quilt looks gorgeous, I’m sure it will get lots of use!
    Silly Amazon! Great idea Benta!
    Love the hexies!
    Thank goodness for Lizzie, she’s doing great!
    Well done Hubbie! The dressing unit looks ideal.
    You have been busy, as ever!
    Hugs, Barbara xx


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