So what have i been up to? Work (of course!) but apart from that . . . I stitched these five Easter panels from Kiwi Designs: rather than making them into a panel I made them separate - they could maybe be used as mugrugs?
Briana nd Niki have been creative - the old (original 1960s) flat porch roof has gone and been replaced by this one - and because he's just as much a hoarder as I am, he could find the tiles that came off the roof in 1995 or so to make room for velux windows and use them on the new porch roof!!!
A friend became a granddad, so a good excuse to finish an I-spy quilt!
The pre-school children came into church to hear the Easter story and hunt for felt Easter eggs - it was lovely to see this lad in the fleece that I embroidered for the uniform holding and egg that I'd embroidered for their trip to the church
My Crochet blanket is growing: but as the weather improves I'm doing less - it might have to be put away unfinished until next autumn.
I took a sneaky trip top Cliveden House - just walking the grounds but it was a beautiful days and I may have bumped into two friends who were coincidentally there too
I was asked to make a Ginger commemorating ANZAC day (end of April). This photo
became these Gingers

via a game of thread chicken!!!!! (I won, phew!)
Scratchy cat seems to think this blanket might be hers!!!!
Well done on the hoarding Brian, that paid off. Cliveden House looks fabulous. Wasn’t it a great coincidence that you met friends there!! Lovely to see your hard work being used.