Saturday 22 May 2021

2021 Week 20

 Not much happening in the sewing room in the last few weeks:  having got through the Parish Council trial that is the Internal Audit (carried out by an external auditor - go figure) I am no preparing for the External Audit which is a whole load more red tape.  I think I may be close to being abou to get the Councilors to sign it off so I'm having a quick break!

I have been hand sewing in front of the TV in the evenings: I really need to consider the lighting levels when I take photos, but a rainbow flimsy is starting to take shape

And this box of gorgeousness is waiting to be added

Lisa has completed her 100 crochet blocks for a blanket.  She has been (quite logically) keeping them in piles based on the outer border but now she's finished we needed to number them all - an i-pad and two mobile phones with the descriptions of each square and it's number, a chart naming all the different (not very different in many cases) colours, loads of easy clips and scraps of paper and we finally got them all identified!

Niki wants it a bit bigger (to cover feet and shoulders) - we had a go at arranging the blocks into an 8x12 arrangement but got hopelessly confused so she's going to stick with this suggested plan (see below) but she's adding a border of grey to each block, then will add grey top and bottom plus some piano key type borders.  I think it will be gorgeous!!!!! 


  1. Beautiful hexies and beautiful crochet squares. Great job ladies x

  2. The crochet is AMAZING! Looks fab! Of course, your hexies are also lovely, of course. Well done, both of you! xxx


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