Monday 4 October 2021

2021 Week 39

 These are some of the photos from the making last weekend with Jackie: boxy pouches and semi circular ones

and a vinyl one for crochet and knitting markers

A frined / ginger fan recently ran the Windsor Marathon so I made her a ginger to commemorate it!

I was back at Chertsey Museum on Friday for the second class since lockdowns began.  We had some great show and tell from last month

And they all did really well making these pouches from an Aneela Hoey book 

I finished the straps on my bag from Jackie

And I found the remaining September Hexies - some had been attached to the flimsy I'm making with them

I've made some Gingers too: breast cancer week ios coming up soon, alkong with a children's mental health campaign

One customer ordered a ballerina and a book reader

and another order a set of the 2020 Christmas Gingers

meanwhile I am working on 2021 Christmas Gingers


  1. What a lot of projects - both ongoing and complete! Lovely stuff, all of it! xx

  2. Lovely pouches and your bag looks great :)


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