Sunday, 24 February 2013

Holiday Photo Alert

Pics from my once-in-a-lifetime holiday - the one I want to do again!!!  Lots of pics, but hopefully worth looking through - I saved the best for last!

Our suite

 On deck


 My new friend, outside the ship's shop

The amazing Lofoton Islands - such a beautiful area

The mouth of the Troll Fjord - avalanche risk meant we couldn't enter :-(

Leaving the Arctic Circle

On the bridge

 The old fish warehouses in Bergen

Frozen waterfall

 Frozen Benta

 I did manage to find a few fabric shops

All of which was great, but the main highlight was sight of these lights in the night sky . . .


  1. What a wonderful holiday you've had. Amazing pics of the Aurora, couldn't have been easy to take those photos.

  2. Lucky you to see those Northern Lights!

    Teehee Katy's comment!

  3. Wow! Just so completely alien compared to Australia. Amazing landscape photos :o)

  4. So glad to see that the Lights shone for you Benta.

  5. Goodness! Great photos. Pics of the fabric that you bought seem a bit sparse though, are you saving them for another post? Perhaps you didn't have enough pennies left for fabric after splashing out for a suite! x

  6. Lovely Benta!! It's all now in my 'Wanna Go' book.

  7. Those Northern Lights photos take my breathe away. Hooray, hooray, I know someone who has seen them - that's the closest I've been! Your suite looks wonderful, a real treat for a special trip. All that ice is stunning - I feel this trip will inspire several textile projects :-) Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful time.

  8. Oh wow, wow, wow !! Looks like you had a most amazing time - I just LOVE your pictures. Thanks for sharing !

  9. Soooooooooooooooooo glad you got to see your Northern Lights - happy anniversary memories xxx

  10. Looks great- just my kind of holiday! I'd like to do an Arctic cruise sometime.

  11. Just fantastic, Benta! Amazing places and beauty of nature! I'm sure you had the best ever travel! x Teje

  12. What a fabulous trip Benta, glad you got to see the Northern Lights and get photos too!

    This is definitely being shifted up our must-do list!

  13. You were soooo lucky to see the Northern Lights!


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