Sunday 13 May 2018

2018 Wk 18 - Sewing with Jackie Part 1

A perfect weekend!

Jackie arrived, lots of sewing, Crafty Church, a bit of fabric and wool shopping and mostly decent weather!  What more could I ask for?

Zippy pouches from lined hessian (I'll be finding hessian dust for weeks but they didn't need any stabiliser!

Do your children every actually ask you to make something?  Usually I get "It's lovely mum, but I really don't NEED another quilt" but on this occasion it was "mum, can you and Jackie make a chemo quilt for Claire at work? Any colours, any design (more points there kiddo, well done!) but plenty of blank space so we can write messages for her", so this has been started

We made a box pouch with a vinyl pocket  - finished item will be in the next blog post, but the pain that was making the bias binding is evidenced here - never again!

Tara at Crafty Church brought in her WW1 Heart Pincushion kit.  Explained here, it takes the occupational therapy practiced by injured soldiers in WW1 and has turned it into a commemorative project for the 100th anniversary of the end of the war later this year, asking people to recreate these hearts for an Art installation.  For example:

Some of us will buy one the of the kits for the Untangles Threads project, but we also decided to make named hearts for the 7 soldiers from our village who served in WW1

Lesley brought in a picture of an Amsterdam street she has completed.  It has been framed and I really struggled to get a pic without reflection, but it's worth zooming in to have a closer look.  it is all made of fabric, stitched in place.  She made each house twice - so there is a mirror image house upside-down in the water!  Its absolutely stunning

The next post will follow when Google photos has caught up with the photos I've taken!

Thank you Jackie - I've had a wonderful weekend -I love you xx


  1. How did she manage to do the house reflections in the water. I love this. I also love your cancer idea of a quilt with heart messages. You get the best ideas.

  2. My kids rarely ask me to make anything - when they do ask for something, it's mending. I HATE MENDING and I do a crappy job so they won't keep asking me, but they do. BRATS!

    Lesley! *waves at you from my couch in Canada :D* Your Amsterdam street project is absolutely stunning - that is true ART!

  3. Fab weekend with all the right ingredients. Amazing work by Lesley.

  4. isn't it wonderful when they ask for something .. then say make it how you want!! is it confidence/blind faith in our abilities.. or just indifference? lol x

  5. Super projects and glad that Jackie is well enough to visit. Bias binding, hmmmm. This gadget really works,, or the no gadget method using a pin,


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