Monday 2 September 2019

2019 Wk 35 - Dresden Plates and other stuff

In my last post I showed a "blades" Dresden plate made using this method

I thought I ought to be able to teach petal edges using the EPP method as well, (gathering the curved bit separately to tacking the fabric to the template) so I made this one

I had real problems finding on-line templates that actually fitted to make a circle, so many attempts later made my own templates.

Also this week I've made cushions for the lovely ladies at Windsor Baptist Church (I wasn't going to do hidden zips so I went colourful instead!)

And I had a stall at the Church fair - which was attended by a real unicorn!!!

I sold a few things at the fair but the bigger success was  the baby embroidery machine embroidering names on flannels.  I sold at least 4 to girls who are now at university (and one is a new mum) but still have the named flannels they bought from me a dozen years ago - and were delighted to get fresh versions (but still wanted to come and type in their own name and press the 'go' button!)

And I have been tacking hexies (just for a change)

and loving seeing them sorted in a Tupperware box

 And finally a friend, Hayley, and I have been silk screen printing.  A few disasters, but this cut from a Tescos brown paper bag worked really well.

We are meeting again next week to twist the stencil and turn the 4 leafed flower into an 8 leafed flower


  1. You’re brave having the machine out ‘live’. Nice little earner for the church though. Hexis are so therapeutical homey.

  2. Love the curved petals! Sometimes it’s easier to make your own templates ..... you certainly get the exact size you want that way! A pretty project, nice colours!
    Eeek, you took your machine out with you, that’s dedication!
    Cute unicorn!
    Barbara xx

  3. Your dresden is beautiful with the stitching and I love the unicorn :)

  4. It's still in the back of my head to get a cheap(er) embroidery machine that is portable for shows.
    People in the PNW (pacific northwest) don't monogram anything nor do we really put our names on stuff. I like your idea for flannels (towels, hand towels) at college/school.


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