Wednesday 29 January 2020

2020 Wk 5 - catching up

The lovely Amo messaged me to ask if I was ok - I hadn’t realised it’s been so long since I blogged!

Thank you yes - I’m fine.  It’s just that all of my little jobs (which are independently sometimes busy, sometimes quiet) got busy at the same time🥴

However when I thought about it, I do try and spend an few hours with husband through out the day and that usually involves the TV being on but me sewing or crocheting - so there has been some progress!

I made six hexie flowers for the FB hexie swap I’m a member of

My hexi rounds quilt has reached a natural pause as I’m out of hexies

I’m teaching a modern crewel class in a few months and have been playing with a sample - it’s tote bag and I’m having fun filling the random circles

The Plus Quilt has grown a bit

And in other news, Husband has re-varnished the garden table

And Lisa has finished her Ferris wheel crochet - isn’t it great!


  1. What a busy family! Lisa's crochet is AMAZING!
    Love all your hexies and stitching too, of course! xx

  2. I really like the use of the black spots as a background for the crewel work. Lisa's crochet looks brilliant, I'll bet she's really pleased how its turning out.

  3. Lovely activities going on in your house!

  4. Lovely projects and all moving forward. I love your crewel work and Lisa's crochet is great :)

  5. Glad you’re still making time to create! Lisa has done a fab job on the blanket too.


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