Wednesday 5 February 2020

2020 Wk 6 - Just checking in

I have received all the January hexies (no theme)  from from the UKQU Hexie Swap group

And have made the next groups of flowers for the February Mardi Gras theme

They all have a small silver mask embroidered in the centre hexi

I have embroidered this design twelve times for church

And this bag has been re purposed - I love the design and the fabrics, but the colours didn't go with any coat, jacket or cardigan that I own! 

A friend commented that she loved it -  "just my colours" - so that prompted me ... I used up the left over squares from the Janet Clare / BFL Quilt and made myself another one in exactly "my" colours

And I added a deep slip pockets for credit cards, keys or phone

And the crochet has grown: I'm finally on the second ball . . .  but it's misshapenness is becoming even more obvious!  I hope blocking can work miracles!!!


  1. I like the little masks. Did you notice I returned to my blog? Might be a one-off.

  2. I love all of it you have been very productive. Blocking is brilliant.

  3. What a great idea to make a renewed bag in colours that you prefer - very sensible! Love the masks for your Mardi Gras!
    and your crochet! xxx

  4. You must be awash with hexies. Blocking totally transforms the crochet, you’ll be fine!


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