I watched a great documentary on Craftivism (see this wiki article) and wanted to be part of it in alow key way
My take on Craftivism involves (of course) Gingers
20th April: Happy Earth Day - it’s the only one, we need to take care of it! (https://www.earthday.org/toolkit-earth-day-2021-restore-our-earth/)
- planting native plants which flower at different times of the year;
- buying raw honey from local farmers;
- making a bee bath by leaving a water bowl outside;

20th July: Did you know there is a World Chess Day? Or that over 605 million people play chess regularly? (605 million people and at least one Ginger!) Find out more here https://www.un.org/en/observances/world-chess-day or better still: put down the phone / tablet / laptop, find a chess set and challenge a friend to a game!