I watched a great documentary on Craftivism (see this wiki article) and wanted to be part of it in alow key way
My take on Craftivism involves (of course) Gingers
20th April: Happy Earth Day - it’s the only one, we need to take care of it! (https://www.earthday.org/toolkit-earth-day-2021-restore-our-earth/)
20th May: Gingers support World Bee Day today! You can help the bees by:
- planting native plants which flower at different times of the year;
- buying raw honey from local farmers;
- making a bee bath by leaving a water bowl outside;
June: Gingers are celebrating Pride Month https://www.awarenessdays.com/awareness.../pride-month-2021/
3rd June: Today is World Bicycle Day - go on, get the bike out and go for a cycle! It's an "affordable, reliable, clean and environmentally fit sustainable means of transportation, fostering environmental stewardship and health" which is why the UN decided to declare 3 June World Bicycle Day.
Cycling promotes health, prevents disease, promotes tolerance, mutual understanding and respect, and facilitates social inclusion and a culture of peace as well as strengthening education, including physical education, for all
6th June: The Gingers are celebrating National Smile Month: They brush their teeth morning and night using fluoride toothpaste, they visit their dentist regularly and they cut the consumption of sugary drinks and foods to an absolute minimum.
14th June: Today
is World Blood Donor Day - have you registered? You could save a life
(and get a club biscuit!!) The Hickleys have done over 110 donations
and three of us still donate regularly (the one who has rabies treatment
apparently can't donate any more!

15 June: Some of the Ginger public announcement posts are a bit jokey and for fun but this one is sooo important! This week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week. If you, or someone you love, is ignoring that invitation to a smear *please* book and attend your appointment!
13th June: The Gingers are really excited - today is National Sewing Machine Day!!!! (we've looked everywhere and cant find a National Gingers Day, so reckon this is the closest we'll get!!!)
21st June is International Day of Yoga! Lots of benefits from Yoga: increased flexibility and fitness, mindfulness and relaxation. Why not give it a try . . . see if you can find your zen!!
23rd June: This Ginger is here to tell you that this is Drowning Prevention week. There is so much water around our villages we should all know the dos and don'ts about keeping safe in open water - please check out these links, and keep safe!
25th June: Today the Gingers want to let you know it's the Day of the Seafarer!
24th July: Today
is 24th July - this can also be written 24/7 . . .which is also how
often the Samaritans are available to anyone who needs a kind voice to
speak to! The Gingers support the Samaritans!
Samaritans say
We're waiting for your call:
Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Call 116 123 for free
20th July: Did you know there is a World Chess Day? Or that over 605 million people play chess regularly? (605 million people and at least one Ginger!) Find out more here https://www.un.org/en/observances/world-chess-day or better still: put down the phone / tablet / laptop, find a chess set and challenge a friend to a game!
25th July: RNLI’s World Drowning Prevention Day.
Please visit the web page and learn how to keep yourself safe. The boat crews and the lifeguards are all volunteers, and do an amazing job along our coastline. If you have some pennies spare please donate!
So many Gingers and all fabulous
ReplyDeleteCraftism is a new word to me 🙂