Another hand stitched project is possibly nearing completion - This top lives at Mother-in-Law's: I add a bit more each time we go there. Today ten or so light coloured hexies started a new round, and I might finish when this round is completed: it's feeling like a good size. Again, no destination in mind, but fun to do.
A customer at work brought me in two sewing/creative themed charms - a knitting needles and wool, and a button - I added them to some boring earrings for a bit of fun!
The lovely Plum sent me a get ell card a few weeks ago when I was feeling sorry for myself with a viral infection - she's so clever! Thank you Plum

A friend bought some Charlie and the Chocolate factory fabric for her granddaughter who loves the Roald Dhal books. I backed it with a soft blanket and did some double lined random quilting lines between the pictures. Not to easy to see, but it does it's job and I'm please with it. i just need binding fabric now - oh dear I might have to go fabric shopping!
I've decided to limit myself to 5 hours customer embroidery a week - I need to have fun time to me too!!!! These got lucky this week - and I get paid next week so I get lucky too!
And finally I have cut into this gorgeous silky cotton that Lisa bought in Kuala Lumpur and paired it with the crazy cheap but perfect colour I bought in Walmart in Texas. Hopefully a tunic dress will evolve, but there is a fair amount of making up as I go along so fingers crossed!
Hope you had a creative week!
OOooOOO an Assorted Eye Candy post - fun! The I Spy quilt is quite sweet (especially the bunny print :D) and will be a lovely gift for a new baby (or even a toddler!) when the time is right :) The hexy quilt will be ready when it's time, but in the interim, you get the fun of working on it :) The earrings are adorable - very creative :) Sweet card, and lovely (purple) fabrics ... but if I may say so, the star of the show is the Charlie/Chocolate Factory quilt - oh MY! Now - did you use a twin needle for the quilting? That's a really awesome fun design!
ReplyDeleteWhat a satisfying week you have had Benta, so many lovely things worked on. I am looking forward to seeing the tunic dress when it is completed.
ReplyDeleteyou have been busy not attempted a hand sewn quilt loving yours. Good idea having the project at MILs to work on and it is coming along well. Earrings look cute!
ReplyDeleteThe tunic I am sure will be lovely great colour too
I can see you are well recovered Benta, and back to your usual level of productivity! Look forward to seeing the finished objects at R and K.
ReplyDeleteLovely quilts but very clever earrings!
ReplyDeleteYou have been very productive! I love the tunic fabric and the earrings