Sunday 11 February 2018

2018 wk 7 - more retreat making

I did have slightly longer than usual in Ireland than usual, but considering one of us was a bit under par  I am astonished by how much we made.  Much of it is on yesterday’s post, but here comes the rest . . .

I hand stitched three Farmer’s wife blocks (thanks Plum for the book, and Jim for the fabric!). A slightly unconventional fabric choice but I’m loving it!!!

We made these,

Which open out to these

(One is slightly narrower due to someone forgetting you can’t iron vinyl!)

We used some more cork to make these Pythagoras pouches

With an inside pocket

We made two girly baby changing wallets - exactly the same method as Plum’s notebook cover but big enough to pop a nappy in one side and pack of wipes in the other.  We added a hanging look and a closing loop in case they were useful

Our final project were these two pouches - a useful 9 x 9 inches with a 7” vinyl pocket front and back.  Jackie wanted hers with a boxed bottom and I didn’t so that’s why they look different heights.

Then I had to take the long lonely journey back to Dublin - just me and the hire car!  Why don’t hire cars have a place to put a mobile phone / sat nav?  Luckily I had a scrunchy with me so I bodged a phone holder.

Now I’m home - it’s all over for a couple of months!  Love you Jackie - thanks is for a great 4 days xxxx


  1. You two sew a lot! Good job. Good job driving in Ireland too.

  2. I'm amazed by how much we made too! Planning our next makes already xx

  3. You and Jackie are a fab team. You always get so much done! Lovely sewing and very clever phone holder :)

  4. I've melted the vinyl as well - now I just put a paper towel over top of it and press when needed - it works fine :) The vinyl feels wobbly afterwards but when it cools down, it's OK :D I agree with Kathy - you two are productive dynamos!

  5. That's an impressive show for an under-par person and their stitching buddy :)


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