Sunday 29 April 2018

2018 Wk 18 - end of a holiday

The EPP Ferris wheel I showed earlier was one of a couple of sewing projects I took on holiday to Lanzarote this last ten days.  The Ferris wheel went as far as it could go with the fabric that I brought, but I had a standby project too

I made this sweet sixteener before I went, and make sure I had the right colour threads to quilt it.  Lots of stitches (and holes in the tip of my middle finger - I forgot a thimble) later it now looks like this

And the back looks like this

I didn't do much shopping - but what joy: I bought a linen dress and it came in a pretty fabric bag make from recycles sari fabric:  Shopping, pretty bag and recycling - a combination that made me very happy

And a rubbish pic of a window in another shop - I just loved the colours!


  1. I love the hand quilting. Pretty dresses too!

  2. I love the hand quilting too!
    How lovely - a dress and a bag too!!
    Hope you had a great holiday.
    Barbara xx


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