Friday 4 January 2019

2019 Wk 0 - Noooooooo

After publishing the last post I went to trim my tiny blocks - and every single one was too small!  So it seems (seams!) that my 1/4" foot is nothing of the sort!

So I spent most of this evening watching rubbish telly with himself, unsewing - groan!

So they now look like this

and "just" need to be pressed and started again!

However I have finished the hand-sewing-at-mother-in-law's flimsy

and what's more - it's quilted!

I love the circular quilting that so many 'real' quilters have been showing, but I know my quilting isn't up to the tight accurate spiral at the start . . . but it occurred to me that Lizzie's is!  So she did the first 8 inches (her largest hoop) and I then took over - it's much easier when the spitrail is further out!!

I also played with another rope bowl.  Again an elongated shape as the start is much easier with a long line rather than a tight spiral (see the theme here?)  I copied Kathy's finished this time as I have plenty of leather left in a box.  It would have been better if it didn't pucker but I can live with it!


  1. Well done on restarting sewing the tiny blocks, I haven’t been able to find my ‘special ruler’ so I haven’t done mine. Hopefully this weekend I’ll make a start. I love the spiral quilting and the rope bowl. It’s great that Lizzie is so versatile

  2. Good job thinking of utilizing Lizzie for a quick and better quilt start.
    For the leather/cork piece on bowls, I either use some dst to keep it in place or I baste first, then stitch if it didn’t shift.
    As for the unpicking, you’re a better person than me. I would have considered tossing them.


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