Saturday, 19 January 2019

2019 Wk 3 - sewing!

I've finally managed to find some time to sew, and to take pics of stuff that has already been done

On the flight to New York I made some more hexi flowers

for my rainbow hexi quilt

 And I worked on my kind of temperature project!  The usual method is crochet or knitting - I don't have a significant stash of wool and didn't want to buy more so I scrapped that idea.  I had a  go at setting up the loom to weave maybe a temperature scarf, and didn't feel the love

I've been looked at wrapped and stitched vintage spools on Pinterest, and DID feel the love, so I started using a strip of torn denim and a few kantha type stitches each day in the appropriate colour

I started before I went to NY, and caught up on the woven days, and now I'm up to date.  I decided to use the temperature in NY when I was there . . .in the shape of the letters NY!  I am now totally in love with the project, just wishing the temperature would chop and change a bit more - I want to use different yarns!

And I have all my yarns wrapped around wooden clothes pegs which makes me oh so happy when I open the case every day!

I also found a nearly finished project that I'd forgotten about.  It's at least from Christmas 2017 if not before.  I finished it tonight watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Start with 8 circles of fabric, and 4 card or plastic triangles and 8 wadding triangles.  I don't remember the measurements but the relative sizes are:

(If anyone wants to make one I'll get the protractor out and work out exact measurements)

Join pairs of circles.   RST all the way round (using - - - as the sewing line).  Cut a small slit in the middle of one of each new unit and turn through and press into a good circle shape.  Put a sandwich of wadding / card or plastic / wadding in the centre of each circle unit covering the slit.  Pin a short looped length of ribbon in one corner of two triangles, and a long open length in the corner of a third.  Like this (but this is after being stitched

Fold the three arcs to the middle of each triangle, arranging so each on is part under and part over the neighbours.  Slip stitch closed along the arced edges.

Whip stitch the three sides to the base making sure the ribbons will all meet at the top when the box is pulled closed. Tada!!!

This was mostly for me for next time I want to make one - if you want better instructions and more pics just let me know!


  1. keeping those fingers busy as always x

  2. Your hexies look lovely! A great project for travelling. Your temperature denim piece looks good, it is a shame the temperatures don’t vary more isn’t it! Perhaps you just need to do a piece with colours of your choice, for fun?
    Barbara xx

  3. It's nice to see you sewing again. I love the hexies :)

  4. I'm not spending time reading blogs as much right now and find you traveled a bit in the interim. Next time, head WEST. Our temps have been steady all winter- 40'-50'f. No snow, no ice, no variation, other than a little frost in early morning. I like the idea of a temperature quilt but mine would be monochromatic for weeks at a time.


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