Friday 15 February 2019

2019 Wk 7 - Fabric shopping

Janet Clare came to Richmond and Kew quilters a really interesting talk about being a designer for Moda, and brought along a few of her fabrics to buy too!!

She explained that she always uses the same colours in her designs so if we start sewing with one collection we can easily add fabrics from another collection and they will work.

This flimsy has squares from three different collections!  I just pulled the dark and mid blue ones for what I wanted.  I did buy some low volumes FQs too!

And I've been to my local LQS and bought some near solids to bulk out the fabrics I'm using for the plus quilt. 

And in other news I'm nearly up to date with the temperature project,  I'm looking forward to warmer weather so the fabrics will show up better!!!!


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