Friday 12 July 2019

2019 Wk 28 Serendipity!

I went for a job interview earlier this week: at a local university (Royal Holloway) which has recently opened a new library, named after Suffragette Emily Davison.  She was probably best known for being killed by a horse at a horse race.  She had attended Royal Holloway University.

The interview seemed to go well, but I have no idea how I did compared to the others who applied - however even if I didn't get the job it was worth the trip as I got to see a fantastic triptiage wall hanging depicting Emily:

and I got a few zoomed in pics of the quilting

I could have spent hours just looking at it!!!

And outside there was a gorgeous patch of wild flowers

I had to leave eventually though!!!  Having been to Richmond and Kew on Monday I had some selvedge edges donated by the lovely Plum, which I sat and added to previous donations

I have enough now to do something with - I just need to be inspired!!!


  1. Hope you get the job!
    Nice that there was plenty to occupy you while you were there.
    Interesting pictures about this suffragette. We visited Wimbledon museum some time ago and they had an extremely interesting display about suffragettes. I don’t know if it would still be on display.
    Amazing quilting.
    Lovely wild flowers.
    Barbara xx

  2. Nice wall art! Best of luck for being hired!

  3. Best of luck with the interview. 🤞

  4. I am surprised that you could tear yourself away from that lovely wallhanging long enough to be interviewed Benta :) A place that respects textile art sounds like your kind of workplace!

  5. That is an amazing quilt display. I hope you get the job. I love the Royal Holloway. One of my son's went there and it reminds me so much of Hogwarts :)


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