Tuesday 30 July 2019

2019 Wk 30 - Catch up

We had a good turn out at the last Crafty Church: with people crocheting, cross stitching, sewing and a fair bit of chatting!  The red dress (middle top) and the gingham skirt (middle bottom) are the finished items from a month ago - can I remind you that the girls that created these are 10 and 8!!!!!

One of my Chertsey Museum ladies sent me this pic of her finished coffee cosy - now I wish I'd lined mine in the same fabric as the binding - it looks great!

In preparation for a few babies that are currently 'under construction' I have managed to finish two i-spy brick quilts: one purple and one grey

 And my senior citizen's class last week had 16 people concentrating very hard on mixing flour and water and birdseed!

 Lots of bird seed cakes got finished

and are looking good!

And totally NOT craft related, we went away for a weekend with friends for her 60th birthday: all 4 of us (she is their Godmother) and the three of them (we are their daughter's Godparents) and her boyfriend.  We had a really great time - these two (and the other 2 'children' and the two husbands, but I didn't get a pic of all of them) happily scaled trees and zoomed up cargo nets and down zip wires - me and Carol??  We held their bags and jackets at ground level!!!!


  1. Good on you for keeping up with the blogging. I just check in every month or so. Busy with our county fair - my big volunteer moment of the year.

  2. Serious skills being shown by the 10 and 8 year old, well done for encouraging them to achieve such great results Benta.

  3. How fab to see the youngsters sewing clothes of all things! Well done them! And I’d have been right next to you holding bags. Well, I may have done a zip wire or two but the bags are safer.


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