Wednesday 27 October 2010

lots of shopping :-)

We went to the Mall today - and shopped and shopped and shopped :-)

From top left:
  • 4 muted fabrics for a rail fence quilt, and the yellow in the same range. I didn't choose the brown at first, but the yellow didn't blend too well, so i added the brown, and will use the yellow as the border
  • pack of 5 spotted fabrics
  • two packs of 5 Fat Quarters - usually each FQ is a couple of pounds - but each pack was $7!!!
  • lots of cream and neutral textures for Hilary's tactile quilt
  • More fancy buttons - I must start using them!!!
  • And in the middle - fabric flowers that I've been searching for since Festival of Quilts. Jackie if you are reading this I will send you some :-)

And for Lizzy - $60: red zippy hoodie, turquoise long sleeved hoodie T shirt and grey t-shirt - hope they are ok!

Oh and we went in the new mini, with the top down!!!


  1. Seems like you are having a lot of fun - and it's just day two!!! And just the thought of being able to go out in a car with the top down .... Love to all x

  2. Love the fabrics, the flowers and the CAR especially with the top down.


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