Wednesday 6 October 2010

Where did that week go?

Well, what with work, a day visit to Portsmouth, a three day visit to Florence, and all the normal washing and stuff I haven't managed much sewing in the last week.

On the plus side, I got paid for Myles's quilt, had a fab girly weekend in Florence, and a great day with mum in Portsmouth - so all's good in my world!

I received my first Pink Swap postcard today and got mine ready to go in the letter box on the way back to work. Aren't Pauline's flowers

I also picked up a glass dish in a charity shop in Windsor, and thought it might look nice with buttons in it. Well at 5am this morning (I couldn't sleep as I was worried I'd miss the alarm and be late for work) I sorted all the buttons into colours and found more glass dishes to put them into. Don't they look great. Not sure what I'm going to do with them, but "enjoy looking" is a good place to start!

In Florence I started seeing letters in ironwork, stone, and other architectural stuff - and forgot to photograph friends or places we went, but got lots of letters ... not sure where this is going, but a novel way to look at a city!

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos - particularly the glass jars with coloured buttons! (see, I can post a comment when I want to) ......
    Lots of love from your Mum x


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