Monday, 10 September 2012

An L of an urge

 I needed to sew - it's been 5 weeks (whinged the addict).  

I managed to join some of the I-Spy squares into 4 strips of 6 fabrics (no pics, they are on the ironing board downstairs), and I pieced some of the scrappy strips into an L shaped taggie for baby Lucia:  Fleece on the back, picture fabrics on the front, and loads of bits of ribbon poking out of the side seams.

Very busy, very colourful, and lots of textures for little fingers.  

I haven't stitched the opening closed yet - if I can find some bells I might stuff it loosely and put a few inside instead of leaving it flat, who knows!


  1. Lovely! If you do put bells in, consider putting them into something like a Kinder egg capsule so that they can still 'sound out' (otherwise the sound can be a bit disappointing - guess how I know!). Glad that you've had your sewing fix!

  2. Well that should keep her busy for a while!

  3. Great that u got back to the machine, love the taggie !

  4. Now I see what a taggie looks like! It's fantastic - perfect for a little one :)


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