Monday 22 October 2012

Marbling Mess

I've done marbling onto paper with the children before, so when I saw this kit recently for marbling onto fabric I bought it straight way

I'd forgotten how much preparation there was - you need to make a sort of jelly for the paints to float on, and that take 24 hours.  Then I didn't read the instructions properly at all so didn't prepare the fabric, or dilute the paints.

But it didn't stop God Daughter and I having a GREAT time making a marbled mess!


  1. Great! have you already got project ideas for them? Love the colours!

  2. Now that looks like great fun, good that you did your prep work 24 hrs before LOL!!

  3. Oh yes - it makes a mess ! But it makes great fabrics, too ... looks like you had a lot of fun!

  4. This is new to me! Looks fun and interesting! x Teje


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