Saturday 12 December 2015

Kids' Crafty Church

It was Kids' Crafty Church today - I put the tables on the pew backs and put craft stuff on all the tables, then had a few minutes rest before the first people arrived


I managed to get a 'during' photo with some of the (are you sitting down?) thirty one people who came, yes, 31 - by far the best attendance, and especially just before Christmas!!!


I was rushing around, and didn't get many photos of the making, but did snap these two



Hope you had a good Saturday!!!



  1. You are so awesome coming up with things that families can do. I see your pinterest boards! I have a very good friend who does that here in this community. Pat yourself on the back.

  2. so good to see the kids making , some cute things here, your hard work must be so appreciated by those who come.


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