Sunday 21 May 2017

2017 Wk 20 - No More New Crafts, no more new crafts - ooooh look, a new craft

I really wasn't going to try any thing new, really I wasn't, but then Lynne messaged that her school was throwing out ... did I want ... and now I seem to have a loom!
Really, I have no idea how it happened!
But isn't she beautiful!

I've threaded her (twice - the fluffy wool didn't work well!)
and woven and woven . . .
14 inches so far
Already I'm looking to see what gadgets I can add! Oh dear!

AND I didn't show you my little tray made at a mini class with Plum
And here are some of the others - thanks Plum

and I made myself a new crochet hook holder


  1. what fun yo will have with you new loom and the mini tray I am sure you will find very useful. Liking the crochet hook holder I have plans to to make one for makeup brushes for GD one day

  2. Oh dear indeed!! 😄😄

  3. How exciting Benta! A whole new world awaits :)

  4. Always good to try something new and broaden your horizon!! That's an impressive collection of crochet hooks you have, I love the holder

  5. I got to use a community loom in Finland, near Riistina. Instantly hooked. But I resist. They have a big footprint.....
    You are do doomed to awesomeness.


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