Saturday 3 November 2018

2018 Wk 44 - Teaching Families

I taught a family learning class today - each child using a pair of jeans as a starting point and seeing how they could recycle them into something else.- I really don't know why I make up samples as the kids are SO much better at coming up with ideas!

Bu no - we had a 10 year old making a summer top using pink jeans as side panels

Another one making a teddy bear

And a fab glove puppet

Along with monsters


and shoulder bags with attitude

I thought that would be the end of my jeans stash . . . but clearly not!

And now home to a pile of Football hoodies to be embroidered

and a bigger pile of school sweatshirts - I might be finished by Christmas!

However, 'Im Indoors has finally pulled his finger out, and has hung a bar for a headrest quilt

and hooks for a pole for a wall quilt - just as soon as I find a pole I'll be putting My Small World up


  1. I got rid of my jeans stash in a fit of de-cluttering. I think I regret it as all denim has lycra in it now and isn't as sewable/patchable.
    But then someone gifted me two half-bolts of denim (without stretch). Back in business.

  2. Those a fantastic jeans projects. You'll have to invite those families again :) I hope the embroidery doesn't take too long x

  3. Unfortunately I can’t view the video ..... tried all sorts of things, but no, it would not work for me!
    Who would have thought there would be so many ideas! You never know, do you, another group might not have known what to do. Shows keenness!
    Well done Hubbie putting up the hooks and bar. The headrest quilt looks really cosy, what a lovely scene! Isn’t it a nice feeling when your ideas come to completion!
    Barbara xx


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