Monday 13 April 2020

2020 Wk 16 - Thank you Key Workers

Lizzie and I have been busy the last few days - churning out Key Worker Gingers, and this is now ready to hang in the window when the Safari Trail finishes on Thursday. I need to add a few more: I have 4 buttons left and a small amount of the right coloured felt!!!!
Close ups of the first eight are at the end of the post

I also made some Stay Home and Wash your Hands Gingers which have gone out to friends and neighbours

This was our Day 2 for the Safari Trail

And Day 3

And Day 4


Fire and Rescue Service


Tesco delivery (inc v important wine!)




Refuse Collectors

They aren't perfect, and would be better if I did them again but I love them for what they are!


  1. Benta, these are fantastic! Really made me smile.

  2. These are amazing! Such a good idea and so beautifully done. Must do something more for our windows too to specifically acknowledge the legions of people who are doing so much. xx

  3. Well done Benta! What a brilliant idea,
    Barbara xx


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