Saturday 29 December 2012

Christmas Goodies

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, and were spoilt by Santa, and those who love you - I was :-)

I received a lovely beaded Christmas tree decoration from the very talented Amo who blogs at View From Our Hill, and, just behind in the photo, a green fabric star from the very lovely Plum

The very talented, (and only 12 years old) niece, who uses the on-line name of Roxy Flame (and blogs here and here,) cut me a bundle of blue fabrics ready to be patchworked, and made her Uncle Brian a Socktapus for cleaning the car windows

My lovely mummy got together with the daughters and did a stocking for me - including these fab stripy fabrics

My BFF, Jackie did far better than me - her pressie from me has been made, but is still waiting to go to the post office, so I cant even show it here as I know she'll see it.  She made me this lovely zipped pouch (please Jackie can you teach me how to do zips  x x x) and I don't know how clear the necklace is in this photo - but between the beads are bobbins filled with bright coloured thread - how awesome is that?

I was a very spoilt girl, so I promise not to show you all the pressies I got, but these final few need to be shared - 

Younger daughter, Niki, got me these super earrings - real Forget-me-nots set in resin, I LOVE forget-me-nots

and Older daughter, Lisa, got me the top purse here (I do love things with writing on) while the lovely Annabelle (who blogs here) sent me the pouch in the bottom of this photo

Thank you all very much :-)


  1. All awesome!

    Thank you for the surprise you sent me. He, he, he I just used it.

  2. Fab pressies, and I especially like the socktopus! Thank you for my wee gift too :o)

  3. Lovely pressies and it's so nice to ave those handmade decorations for the tree, very special. I also like forget me nots, so small, so detailed and with lovely folklore attached.

  4. All lovely!!! I did wonder after I'd posted the bauble if it would go through a letter box. Good job I didn't use a glass one!!!!


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