Sunday 14 December 2014

Internet interruption

Hello again friends - we've just emerged from ten days with no Internet at home - I've had to do grocery shopping and Christmas shopping either using the tiny screen on my phone, or, shock horror, in person!!!

We have now returned to the 21st century and I can be a blogger and a bloggee again at last, and can catch up on Christmas shopping the "traditional" (clickitty click) way

There have been lots of small projects happening here:

I added initial tags to some lingerie bags pressies as several of the recipients share a girly weekend once a year:

I made some mug caddy wraps for Christmas pressies for colleagues,

I cut a whole load more kona solid into triangles for a group quilt

And I decorated my Christmas tree

There has been more too, but that can wait for another day, this post is (almost) photo heavy enough!

But just one more . . . After Niki sewing as she was bored without Internet, Husband was clearly lost too - he *baked*!!!!!!!!


  1. Missed you. I'm barely keeping my head above water with too much overtime. I try not to turn on the laptop in order to actually do something when I am home.
    'tis the season...

  2. good to see you back and that you have been busy whilst internetless.

  3. Shopping in person! Whatever next Benta?? :)

  4. Hi Benta, I thought you had been very quiet! Glad to see you are back in the modern age.

  5. We really take our internet for granted!! lol.

  6. its like loosing a part of you xx Glad you have re-joined us x

  7. It's amazing what spontaneously happens when you've been 'cut off' from cyber space ;o)

  8. Amazing what happens when we get bored! I expect Brian to bake for me next time😃

  9. Wonderful makes! Amazing how much we can get done without the internet :)

  10. Well done DH and DD for finding non-internet things to do - and well done you for having weathered 10 days internet free! I don't fancy that shopping in person stuff!

  11. Sewing and baking out of boredom? Imagine how we would fill our days with no internet, no TV and no mobile phones? Technology is a blessing and a curse.


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