Sunday 28 December 2014

Quicker than Quilt As You Go

I've mentioned this method before on the blog, and it's what is helping me assemble / baste and quilt these strips of blocks so quickly - a few hours and they are ready for binding.

I know the result is a Coverlet rather than a Quilt (two layers rather than three) but it is just as long lasting, much cheaper, and MUCH quicker than the conventional method.

So I have my blocks in strips (in this case just 'bricks' of fabric joined into strips the same measurement as the width of the fleece)

I have already done the middle ones (numbered  16 to 21) and I am now joining the next two (15 and 22).  I have pinned them to their next door neighbours, and to the fleece below

Then I stitch through 15, 16 and the fleece, (and 22, 21 and the fleece). I press 15 and 22 open, and repeat with 14 and 23 etc.

I'm not a great fan of heavily quilted patchworks (unless its quilting in the negative spaces - Jen, you rock!) so I'm very happy with there being no visable quilting on the surface and there is no crawling around on the floor stretching, taping, pinning, or tacking the flimsey.

And I managed two and a half tops today!


  1. I love your super quick, non-crawling ways.

  2. Hi Benta! Finally caught up to all the posts I missed here. Love the family photos, and the red linen quilt. You are on a roll! I haven't sewn a thing in almost two weeks!!

  3. this looks a good way to go!! With fleece you do not really need wadding but does not the fleece stretch and go out of shape? Have not worked with it myself but do nave a couple of throws from primark and they are very stretchy, mind you they were very cheap too

  4. Very prolific! That bed top is obviously working wonders.


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