Wednesday 21 January 2015

Weekend Workshops

OK, maybe not Workshops in the usual use of the word, but last weekend Jackie and I did teach each other stuff, and tried some new-to-both-of-us projects and methods.

I will later add the Pinterest links so you can see the inspiration if you're interested, but it's far too complicated to do so when posting from a phone!  Just ask in a comment if there's anything you want to know

We made some zippy vinyl pouches

Jackie's is finished and in use!

We made some felted flowers (wet felting)

We made some bags with internal pockets and faux leather (pleather / leatherette ?) base and handles, (thanks Liz for the encouragement!!)

At least as good as a workshop eh?


  1. You got a lot done for a weekend. The folding notions easels seem like a handy idea.

  2. Great bags. It's always fun to get together with friends ; )

  3. Looks like you both had a great time Benta! I like the notions easels, what a smart idea.

  4. Looks like you had fun! I need to make some clear pouches for my sewing kit. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Those easels are definately my fave!

  6. Well haven't you been a creatively busy bee?! Love all of these and the wee heart shaped sewing kit

  7. So much more fun to sew with your twin :-)


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