Friday 9 December 2016

Bonus Bliss

What Bliss ... my sewing machine came home . . . and the rest of the family didn't!!!!

Well they did eventually, but they all went Christmas shopping straight after work so I had a couple of hours to myself!

I'm not showing you what I made though - Christmas is toooo close!


  1. Brilliant that you are reunited with your machine and that you got sewing time xx

  2. Yay! Makes blogging awkward this time of year doesn't it?!

  3. Oh my, I'm glad you got your machine back! According to my cute little desktop Countdown to Christmas app, there are 14 days and 23 hours left before the big day - LOTS of time to get anything done that needs doing! ;) Tonight I worked on 3 reindeer finger puppets - they're designed as ornaments but I'm changing 'em up a bit :D

  4. good to read your machine is home and allready working hard!

  5. The perfect combination Benta - a newly serviced machine and an empty house :)


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