Friday 10 March 2017

2017 Wk 10 - mostly embroidery

Today I have finished embroidering 'Carla's' quilt label, and a customer's quilt label.

This means that I just have about 10 inches more sewing and then Carla's quilt can go in the post tomorrow, and so can Meg's label

I sent the original poncho to Jackie . . . seem here modelling it and looking far more glamorous, far slimmer and far more photogenic than me in my replacement red one

And I made a pencil case for oldest Great Niece (and didn't much like it so I made another one too) She is an awesome artist so I though a pencil case made of paper would be something that she could doodle on and decorate - every time I forget how horrible the paper is to work with!  Anyway she can have them both and do what she likes with them!  (We also gave her a large pack of pens and money towards a car / driving lessons / insurance)


  1. For some reason, paper cut and sewn gets the most rave reviews. I love your pencil cases - your great-niece will too.

  2. fancy labels reminds me I have 8 that need some but I just write on a piece of calico and sew it on. Both ponchos look lovely.Fascinated with pencil cases have you treated the paper in any way so it does not rip?

  3. Lovely labels and both ponchos are fantastic!First time I see a paper pencil case,do you sew them by machine and inseide do you put fabric?

  4. You have the polka dot phone case though, Benta - that counts. IT COUNTS! :)4

    Is that Kraft-Tex that you used for the art pencil cases?? I have some but haven't actually - you know - opened the package yet, LOL!


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