Friday 29 October 2010

An Art Gallery, and more shopping!!!

We popped into the local art gallery where Step Mum has some painting exhibited, it was great to see her name outside headlining the exhibition

She mostly works in abstracts

but does some people too

After that we went to Jo-Ann's where I picked up some more fabrics

And I have been sewing too - I'm starting on the sky to go with the Christmas Log Cabin Candles quilt - so far I have hand sewn 1.5 inch dark blue squares into a strip 6 meters long , and have about another meter's worth of squares to go. These will be followed by about the same amount of medium blue squares, until hopefully there is enough to complete the sky ... then I need to do the same again in white for the snow on the ground. Will it be finished by this Christmas???

1 comment:

  1. I like Eileen's paintings - how many has she done? And your strip of Christmas sky is very impressive!!! Me as usual x


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