I ran my first Fun with Fabrics course at Chertsey Museum last week. Six ladies came and seemed to enjoy the felt picture applique. Most of them knew how to sew (Jenny was taught at her convent primary school, and had to stitch at 14 stitches to the inch!!! ) but this was a first in that it was for pleasure rather than compulsory!
We based the designs on ideas from WeeFolkArt.com's lovely designs- some ladies following the original, and others going off at a tangent!

From the top, these are
Iris's and

followed by Monica's.
Charmaine made a 3D heart which we stuffed with scraps (but I didn't get a picture).
And Jackie made ... (bother, I've forgotten!!! It will come to me I hope!)
Windsor Library went well too. Just three ladies, but they had done their homework so we looked at ways to arrange the Rail Fence blocks, and suggestions for completing the projects (one will be a pillow, another is destined to be a place mat). They have taken their blocks home again to join the blocks into strips ready for nest time (stull keeping to the easy short 4.5 inch seams!)
At St Michael's Church we had five ladies again (two new), and two sets of visitors. Lisa learnt how to crochet (again), Janet has started a Rail Fence block, Eileen brought some embroidery to show us and talked about a patchwork that she will bring next time, and Debbie got on with another crochet blanket. We seem to be heading for an alliterative name ... A Cuppa, a Craft, and a Chat, in Church.
Am looking forward to seeing Lisa's crochet, sounds like a lovely group. I know how you feel about not sewing your twin is here sob!sob!