Thursday 7 July 2011

Where did the mojo go?

I still haven't really got my blogging mojo back: I really would rather be blogging at SLIKstitches, but still blogger ignore my communication attempts, so I have no idea what to do next :-(

I'm having a generally bleugh day anyway, as school have finally told me that although they have the funding, they are not going to extend my Extended Schools Co-Ordinator contract, so that leaves me with just three hours a week from September, so for the first time in about (gulp) 25 years I am actually looking at the vacancies section of the local papers.  Until now I've been lucky enough to hear about a job that I wanted - at a time that I was ready to work those hours - and get it, so this is a whole new ball game!

Anyways, enough of the whinging ... I HAVE been sewing!  I have pieced together some 8" squares to make an I-Spy quilt, just to have for when it's needed:

I have also taken this fairly simple flimsy,

and with the help of my little template

have turned it into this yummy Whirly Gig or Square Dance flimsey.

Annoyingly I did type out 90% of the instructions about a month ago ... and saved them on the old blog, but I think I can copy and paste so if you want them just let me know.

I have also been doing some lesson planning for Fun With Fabrics next weekend: The ladies asked for Stained Glass, and I had three methods in mind, so I have done samples using two methods and am half way through the third.  I chose owls for the image, and wondered how best to display them

When I next checked in at Hadley's blog (Flying Blind On A Rocket Cycle ... What does that mean?) I got inspiration, so here are two of my owls, just waiting for for number three.  (Pink is created using the cut-away method, and Yellow is made using the fusible bias binding method.  Red hasn't fully hatched yet, but will be made with the mosaic, or needle turn method)

Instructions are available if you are interested


  1. I'm so sorry you're still having blog problems! I have not been able to upload my pictures for a tutorial today to my blog, so I'm frustrated too. Oh, I did manage to get a few pictures on, but it took about 5 minutes for each and was getting slower! I hope things get straightened out soon!
    So sorry, too, about the news about your job. People everywhere are having problems with jobs. My son, who has a Master's Degree, is going to be driving a school bus this year! They are laying off teachers right and left. I hope you find something you absolutely LOVE!

  2. Oh Benta what a blimming nightmare - work & blog, but that whirly gig quilt made me smile.

    Give that pink owl a beak!!

    I will hopefully be doing The Name Game and one of Rhonda's interviews soon, so all will be revealed!!

  3. when i had trouble with blogger my partner switch my internet to firewall. it has really helped. fingers crossed on the job front. i bet the perfect one is round the corner. xx fingers crossed. xx

  4. Instructions for whirly gig, please!


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