Friday 30 August 2013

Bag Distraction

I need to put some more time between me and the Northern Lights quilt, so today I worked on a bag I'm making for a friend's 50th at the end of September

Jane (just two days younger than me!) works for a local habi / fabric / curtain shop as a curtain consultant.  She is an amazing knitter, and knitted this awesome meetcat for my birthday last year!

She recently mentioned a bag she had fallen in love with. This bag, made by one of her colleagues, sits in the window of the shop, so I went and had a good look through the glass, and took this photo
Jane specifically commented on the colours and the flying geese ("tiny triangles").  My first concern was the flying geese: I'm not very good with sewing on the bias, and then I realised I couldn't make an exact copy as I could only find one FQ of the beach hut fabric and none of the seagulls, so I added a solid to the mix and changed things around a bit

One side of the outside

I decided to have a go at the flying geese, Issabella has inspired me to have a go even if they are a bit blunt beaked: her project looks awesome

Inside there are 4 big pockets

I feel the frustration of the Northern Lights problem slowly ebbing away


  1. love the bag. I have made a bag out of this fabric range as a christmas present but I wasn't able to get hold of the aqua seagulls anywhere.

    1. thanks Kay (sorry, you came up as "no reply" so i can't reply direct) i guess they made less of the gull fabric, i wonder why?

  2. A change is as good as a rest as they say Benta. Would love if you linked up your flying geese up to this month`s New to Me :)

  3. Looking good! I paper piece my geese lol

  4. I love the bag you're making and the meetcat is fab. &ou're a very creative pair :)

  5. Woohoo ! What Northern Light project??

    Great bag and geese!

  6. Lovely fabric range for that bag. After much frustration, I now use the 3d flying geese method, always gives great points, although it does use more fabric.

  7. I love the 'distraction' well done on the flying geese!

  8. bag looks fabulous as do the geese and I've fallen for that adorable meerkat too :)


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