Monday 26 August 2013

Scrappy Sunday

I finally finished the machine embroidery on Sunday, and also managed a bit more quilting.  This scrappy Fractured string quilt was asking for a concentric quilting pattern, but I didn't feel up to circular quilting,

So I went for a more angular design, quilting concentrically about an inch apart

It look ages, but I think it's worth it.  Yellow binding then got stitched to the front, and the whole lot is now in the waiting-for-cooler-weather pile: it *almost* doesn't count as a UFO any longer!!!!


  1. Great quilting Benta you need a new category for this stage UFO I agree!

  2. Of course it's not a UFO pile (said she with a humongous one)! More lovely quilting well done :-)

  3. So how big is it and where does it go eventually?? Deffo not a UFO now, I like doing the binding bit.

  4. Great quilting Benta. Simple is often best on scrappy and you do it beautfully.

  5. Is that glow in the dark quilting thread? Cool effect anyway!

  6. Quilting looks great again! x


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