Friday 16 August 2013

Wind The Bobbin Up

Apologies to anyone who has had kids, or worked with kids in the last 30 years - that song has now probably wormed its way into your head and will stay there for hours!

But it's what I was singing to myself as I prepared a few embroidery machine bobbins for the tasks ahead

Why so many?

Well this bunch of school jumpers was delivered (some of the mums don't like the generic ones, so they buy Marks & Spencers' jumpers and get me to do the school logo)

And this load of tops was delivered to have a transport company's logo stitched to each one

I'll see you on the other side


  1. thanks! now I will be humming it all night!! lol x

  2. And this is supposed to be your holiday!!! xxx

  3. Do you know, I've seen this song referred to loads of times of late, and I've never heard of it in my life before, and I was a small child in both the US and the UK where I've seen it referred to. I obviously lead a very sheltered childhood ;o)

  4. You are going to be VERY busy!

  5. That should keep you out of mischief Benta:)

  6. I think we should sing it to Katy! Hope there is the sound of cash tills or at least kerching! to acompany all that stitching!

  7. Wow, that is a lot of work. Hope you get some fun mixed in there too.


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