Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Classic Camper

I've never owned a VW camper van but I've always had a soft spot for them.  We call them dakdaks in our family, I think it started from the noise they make, anyway, I digress.

I have dakdak pictures and money boxes and a few other bits and pieces.  Well I was shopping at spoonflower a few weeks ago (mum's postcard on a tea towel) when I saw a dakdak panel - to cut out and make one, complete with surfers and pockets for them.  I got very excited and had to buy one

(Or maybe 2 or 3, or 4, shhh, don't judge me)

So I cut and stitched and stuffed (and stuffed ) and stitched, and when I see my friend Lisa next week her little boy will get this as his (very) late Christmas pressie:

Isn't it cute - it would make a great pin cushion too!


  1. So fun! One of my boys would love a VW van

  2. Wonderful! Coincidently, I'm in the middle of making a sewing machine cover like a vintage caravan...must be something in the air :)

  3. great present for a little boy.

  4. Hi Benta! This is most fun and cute! x Teje

  5. It's great Benta. I am sure it will provide endless hours of entertainment!

  6. what fun x not getting one for yoursek to use as a pin cushion?

  7. Gosh, we had one or three, started with a spilt screen. Hardly surprising with first husband a surfer since the '70's. Kids virtually grew up in one, blue like that too, for a bit. We called them dubdubs. Son still has one though it is a T4 not a bow window, and still lives on a surf board! Definitely a soft spot motor. :-)

  8. That is so cute! Lucky boy :-)


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