Thursday 13 March 2014

Crafty Query (and a post for Plum)

A friend's mum was clearing some accumulated junk from Grandma's house, and a box of cotton reels came my way - lovely filled mini wooden reels - there are nearly 50 of them, unused, all vibrant gem colours:

And all, as far as I can tell, different colours: these blues, pinks, greens, reds and yellows all differ!!

I never say no to threads anyway, but I'd love to use these as they are, and make something beautiful with them - got any ideas?

* * * * *

Last Monday the Richmond & Key Quilters had a handbag collection exhibition - not *of* handbags, but a collection that fits *into* a handbag!

My lovely friend Plum was too drained to make it to the meeting, so I took dozens of photos for her.  We were asked to use photos for private use only, but I can tell you that they were incredible.

Plum - I've loaded them to my Private Use tab for you  :-)  Hope you are feeling better xx


  1. I think you need to do some stitch sketching with those threads :o)

    Loving the secret quilts!

  2. What a great gift, I think some rainbow quilting is called for Benta! The tiny quilts are amazing.

  3. what wonderful vibrant colours xx... a fun project coming on with them I feel x


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