Wednesday 21 October 2015

Not Quite Nothing

I haven't had much time (or maybe inclination) to sit and sew something significant, which explains why I haven't blogged for a while, but I've snatched a few fifteen minutes here and there . . . and thought you might like to see

After the lovely Just Jude sent me goodies from a recent giveaway, I've had the fabric and fabric pens sat on my workbench just looking at me: and yesterday I did a bit of colouring in!

Wonderfully therapeutic , thank you again Jude!

On my trip to Gibraltar I did some more work on La Pass - slow but steady - and still fun! 

Now the girls are in their 20s  I thought I'd finished with fancy dress costumes - but ComicCon beckons, and Niki is going as Sarah Walker from Chuck, in her Weinerlicious outfit (no it means nothing to me either!) so I havnet finished making costumes!

Here is the original, thanks to Google Images

And here is my version

As an aside, Katy at Littlest Thistle recently asked an interesting question - why do we create?   There were some comments, and some off shoot blog posts (Hi Sarah) but then I saw this on Facebook, and I thought it summed it up quite well!  Read the left side first, then read again but right the way across both faces! 

I dont know about making a living, or changing the world, but I certainly create becuae I "have to"


  1. Finish the colouring and that would be a great design to have printed on fabric - wouldn't it be great as a bag? Your EPP project is coming along nicely - my sewy friend just did a class in that technique @ the CreativFestival in Toronto last weekend :) Pretty costume - I think the only ComicCon regalia I might recognize, would be Star Trek related - Patrick Stewart can Locutus my Borg any old time! ;)

  2. I get in these kinds of funk sometimes. It soon passes and sometimes I come out more creative and more "gung ho"

  3. At least colouring in is some form of creating! More than is being done here. Love the outfit too and yes, saw that post on FB and thought it was rather good.

  4. a pretty little dress. Am I right in thinking you are colouring in on fabric and did you draw the design? Words of wisdom re the art

  5. Know that feeling Benta, maybe we just need the clocks to change and the onset of winter to kickstart that old crafting/creating gene :)

  6. I love your colouring. I couldn't let myself start something like that or I'd never stop! And the facebook picture is brilliant. So clever and such an encouragement. I really should print and frame it but for now I'll make a screenshot and put it on my desktop :)


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