Saturday 12 March 2011

Feeling better

Whoever invented Night Nurse and Day Nurse capsules deserves a knighthood.  I'm sure I remember, as a kid, Night Nurse having the colour and consistency of washing up liquid, but I got capsules and they have done the trick.  (mind you my grandfather used to say that a cold lasted 7 days without remedies, and just a week if you took something for it, he also reckoned that Whiskey was his favourite of all the cold cures that didn't work)

Possibly one of the I'm-feeling-better reasons was two packets of loveliness that arrived in the post:  I have taken part in the BQL skinny quilt swap, and the ladies sending quilts to me have been far more efficient than I have.

this lovely quilt came from Ann, the squares are just one inch each, and the quilting pattern is lovely

and this came from Marian - she dyed the fabric herself, and the simple quilting really brings out the design

So that's why I'm feeling better, but my memory - still rubbish ... where was I?  ... Oh yes, so I have cut up my lovely Moda batiks into 10 inch squares, stitched them together in pairs [see here for method] cut them into triangles
 and opened and ironed them into half square triangles (HSTs).
(I really aught to get a new ironing board cover, it's AWFUL!)

Now I'm pinning them together and should get twenty two 12" pinwheels.  While I'm doing that the embroidery machine is plodding through 20 fleeces for a local builder, and then 30 polo shirts for a transport company, so I'm earning the money to pay for the fabrics :-)

And now I've just seen the time ... nearly midnight, so Good Night!!!


  1. Glad your feeling better. The only time I drink whiskey is when I have a cold and then it's in hot milk with a drizzle of honey. It's a comfort thing. Looking forward to seeing the batiks together.

  2. Glad that you've found some energy - sounds like you'll need it with all that embroidery work to do, as well as batik fun!
    Your skinnys do look lovely......

  3. Whiskey is good for what ails you. Our Amish neighbors in Ohio kept a bottle for those reasons, but the father said he had to keep it hidden so the kids didn't get into it, lol.


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