Wednesday, 7 December 2011

A letter from Australia

This is just a really short post to let you know I am still here, although 'here' is currently the other side of the world!

I'm having a great time, we've been to the Blue Mountains outside Sydney (where I found one fabric shop) and are off to the city tomorrow, and S-I-L has found 4 (yes , FOUR) patchwork shops within walking distance of the house!!!!!!

Photos to follow when I work out how to get them from the phone to the iPad to the blog, LOL, or when I get home!

It doesn't feel very Christmassy here - but it's not the summer holiday I expected - the coldest and wettest start to summer in 50 years!


  1. Sorry, who are you again? ;o)

    Have fun, and don't forget to get us all Christmas pressies in your vast range of patchwork shops... :oD

  2. Sorry it's not warmer but I imagine it will be before long, don't think wet and grey hangs around very long in Oz. Have fun.

  3. Not talking to you, honestly I am soooooo jealous, cool, wet or anything!

  4. Enjoy those FOUR shops am so jealous, hope weather improves for you.


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